We and many of our clients are recognized thought leaders. Standards are high in developing and delivering programs that educate, motivate and endure once the principles imparted are applied.
Lucian Niemeyer, founder of The Niemeyer Group, is recognized for his unique ability to connect with audiences from government, the military, and industry. As such, he is a featured presenter to numerous associations, roundtables, and classes on subjects ranging from Defense budgets and current national security trends to the federal legislative process.
Intelligent public discourse and honest debate is the backbone of a healthy democracy
Guest Speaker/Lecturer
- Government Affairs Institute, Georgetown University, Washington DC
- Defense Acquisition University, Washington DC
- The Eisenhower School for National Security/Resource Strategy, National Defense University
- Public Policy Seminars, Alan L. Freed Associates
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
George Bernard Shaw